Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

You Guys!


What a stupendous site! Such quality and such luscious variety and color!

I have art history degrees from the US and Finland. Finnish art history of course dotes on local, Scandinavian and Russian art. But you guys! You have opened new horizons and vistas before my eyes.

I must confess that my opinion of myself as being 'knowledgeable' about art and artist seems now to be more than a bit wanting. Thank you for sweeping me off my pedestal with such mind-blowing pulchritude! Anytime, anywhere!

Please keep up the good work!

You must know about Sweden's lyrical Anders Zorn and our Scandinavian Norman Rockwell ... Carl Larsson. Then Russia's magnificent Ilya Repin!

We Finns officially love our Russian neighbors, but in reality we know them too well to be overly enamoured of them ... there is an exception and that is Ilya Repin. We know nothing but respect and awe for him and his work.

Last but not least were Jean Sibelius' contemporaries, Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Albert Edelfeldt perhaps our two greatest artists.

I do hope that these Northern European artists will someday grace your fantastic site!

Huzzah! Hurrah! Whoopee!

John Jason