I had an experience the other day that I affectionately call "an ARC moment." I was having my hair cut and the lady who does my hair has an artsy flair about her. In past conversations it was clear to me that she is a modern art lover. She often asks me about my latest painting or ideas about this or that as it usually pertains to making said painting. The conversation is always up beat and positive, but this time the conversation drifted on to modern art. She already knew about my contempt and dislike for the leading edge stuff, you know, the extreme shock nonsense posed as high art these days. As the conversation got lively, she asked me to explain why I felt the way I did about realism vs. extreme modernism. This was not hard to do, since visiting the ARC web site many times and reading the words by Fred Ross, Brian Yoder and others. It is not hard to make a case for the virtues of realism or to expose the modernists' ridiculous philosophies surrounding its avalanche of boring stuff. After having laid out THE ARC REASONING (which I heartily agree with) to her, I half expected to take some flak. Instead to my surprise I got this from her, "You have just made me realize something, I too love realist art, I always have!"
Robert Wanka