November 2020
ING DISCERNING EYE Exhibition 2020
Published on November 20, 2020
ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2020
The ING Discerning Eye Exhibition is a show of small works independently selected by six prominent figures from the art world: two artists, two collectors and two art critics. The selectors choose both publicly submitted works and works by personally invited artists. Each selector's section is hung separately to give each its own distinctive identity.
ARC Associate Living MasterTM Arina Gordienko's painting 'Survivor' will be on display.
The show runs from October 18 - December 31, 2020 at The Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London.
For more information, please click here.

The de Young Open
Published on November 18, 2020
In celebration of the de Young museum’s 125th anniversary, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco are hosting The de Young Open, a juried community art exhibition of submissions by artists who live in the nine Bay Area counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma.
ARC Living Artist Tatiana McWethy is among the participating artists.
The exhibition runs from October 10, 2020 - January 3, 2021 at the de Young Museum, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr., San Francisco, CA 94118.
To learn more, please click here.

Goddesses and Warriors Show
Published on November 17, 2020
ARC Living Artist Edi Matsumoto is having a solo exhibition of her work at the Pacific Grove Art Center, 568 Lighthouse Ave, Pacific Grove, CA from November 5 - December 17, 2020. In her exhibition, “Goddesses and Warriors”, the artist marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Constitutional amendment in the U.S. allowing women to vote. This collection of works was created as a tribute to the first brave and passionate women who challenged what was thought to be prohibited, impossible, or inaccessible. Matsumoto has selected models from diverse backgrounds, including the United States, Japan, South Pacific, Indonesia, and other areas. Each painting is accompanied by a haiku created by the artist in conjunction with her poet friend.
"I hope these figures will be the reminders of our inner goodness, beauty, strength, wisdom, and life force." - Edi Matsumoto
To view the works in the show, please click here.

Small Works, Great Wonders
Published on November 13, 2020
Small Works, Great Wonders features a fusion of traditional and contemporary paintings and sculpture at affordable prices. Among the participating artists is ARC Associate Living Master Mary Ross Buchholz.
Art remains on exhibit and available for purchase November 13 - December 1, 2020.
To see the artworks and learn more, please click

Free Still Life Painting Party
Published on November 12, 2020
In this rare opportunity, Charles Miano will be teaching his still life painting technique. Participants will have a front row seat to see the Miano method for painting and learning. He will also discuss the importance of knowing how to mix color, control values and design edges in a single session.
Participants can work from their own still life set up or work from the source material provided, as well as using their own palette or use the materials recommended.
The free class takes place on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST.
For more information, please click

NYC curated by Rick Davidman and Lisa Lebofsky
Published on November 11, 2020
Rick Davidman and Lisa Lebofsky, of DFN Projects curated this show in conjunction with 33 Contemporary Gallery, created by Sergio Gomez and Didi Menendez. This exhibition is a homage to New York City during the time of pandemic.
ARC Living Artist Gayle Madeira and ARC Living Master Patricia Watwood are participating in the exhibition.
The virtual exhibition is available to view until December 31, 2020, please click here to view the exhibition.

New Paintings
Published on November 10, 2020
Starting on November 12th, ARC Associate Living MasterTM Urban Larsson will be exhibiting new paintings, together with other available works, until December 6th in his studio.
Due to the current situation visiting the exhibition will be by private viewing only - taking all necessary precautions.
To visit, contact

15th ARC Salon Semi-Finalists Announced
Published on November 3, 2020
The Art Renewal Center is pleased to announce that we have posted our roster of semi-finalists competing in the 15th International ARC Salon Competition. We received 4,941 entries this year from 83 countries. 40%, 1,977 works have been selected as semi-finalists.
The roster consists of the artists’ names, titles of works, categories the works qualified in, and the artists’ nationalities. Another roster of our finalists will be posted on December 9th, and images of all of our semi-finalists along with finalists, honorable mentions and winners will be posted on January 13th, when we announce the final results of the competition.
To view the list of semi-finalists, click here.

Hidden Faces - The 2020 Victorian Salon des Refusés
Published on November 2, 2020
Hidden Faces - The 2020 Victorian Salon des Refusés
Hidden Faces is a curated selection of portraits by artists from Victoria, Australia submitted for national portrait prizes that were either not hung in the 'official' exhibitions or shown in Melbourne.
Among the exhibiting artists are ARC Associate Living Masters Jaq Grantford and Vicki Sullivan.
The show can be viewed at from October 27, 2020 - February 28, 2021