BACAA Presents Jon deMartin Figure Workshop

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BACAA Presents Jon deMartin Figure Workshop

Published on December 11, 2019

Jon deMartin, Master Artist, will lead students on an artistic journey in the birthplace of the Renaissance.

In the tradition of the Italian Renaissance the workshop emphasize drawing as the root of classical art. Participants will sketch from sculpture and paintings at the great museums and churches of Florence such as the Palazzo Pitti, Palatine Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art (Neoclassicism to the 1930s), Boboli Gardens, and the Chiostro dello Scalzo. Students will have the opportunity to develop a long pose figure painting in the classical tradition from start to finish for ten afternoon sessions (Monday through Friday) and two Wednesday mornings. They will review the color wheel and how it relates to the classical figure palette.

The goal is to draw a well-proportioned and constructed figure that shows a secure understanding of the model’s surface and its relation to light & shade. Lectures and demonstrations will be given to lead the students through each step, with a clear and logical process of drawing and painting.

To learn more about this workshop, please visit