Summer Drawing Scholarship Competition
Published on April 30, 2018
New this year, the “Summer Drawing Scholarship Competition” offers an opportunity for young fine art students and practicing artists to apply for a space in the Barnes Atelier summer drawing course for free. Aimed at current or recently graduated art students and young artists aged 16 - 25 years, the top winning entry will be offered free enrolment in the four week intensive program July 30 - August 24, 2018. The winning student will be fully immersed into the drawing curriculum at the Barnes Atelier and see first hand what it’s like to work in a professional academic environment taking courses in Drawing Fundamentals, Drawing From The Plaster Cast, Drawing The Portrait From Life, and Drawing The Nude Model From Life. Four additional entrants will be chosen to win tuition-free study in one of the 1-week aforementioned drawing courses. Deadline June 30, 2018
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