When ARC Chairman, Fred Ross Spoke at the Met

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When ARC Chairman, Fred Ross Spoke at the Met

June 10, 2008

On June 7, 2001-- Fred Ross, Chairman of the Art Renewal Center, addressed a crowd of over 700 portrait artists, gallery owners and members of the press at America's premier institution of art, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, at the American Society of Portrait Artists (ASOPA) Conference. Mr Ross was interrupted at least 10 times to thunderous applause or peals of laughter, as he blasted Modernism and its chief icons, Picasso, Mattisse and DeKooning, with some of the most biting, yet truthful satire that has ever been heard in those sanctified halls.

This memorable plea for sanity in the arts is a 'must read'
for art lovers and scholars alike:

Good Art Bad Art: Pulling Back the Curtain
by Fred Ross