ARC Living Master: Juliette Aristides at BACAA
June 10, 2008
The ARC Approved™ Atelier BACAA, The Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier is very proud to host this master workshop with ARC Living Master™, Juliette Aristides, gifted artist and author: Location: Barrett Hall, Belmont California (in the San Francisco Bay Area) Working from life and from the masters, you will follow traditional ideas and techniques of portrait painting as you develop vital tools for creating skillful portrait paintings. You will explore varied working methods through master copies, lectures and group discussions, spending a portion of each day working on topical issues such as drawing, composition, value, color and color theory, as you study the way the master artists of the past have handled such challenges. Over the eight days, you also create one longer painting that develops from drawing to under painting through full color. Class discussions, slide lectures and instructor demonstrations focus on building skills for successful independent work and illuminate ways to solve problems when you return to your own studio. | |
![]() ![]() ![]() Classical Painting Atelier, Watson-Guptill, 2008 |